Devon’s Choice
Catherine Bennett
Inspirational Romance
Back Cover Blurb:
Faith, love and a cup of
coffee, can change everything.
Life holds no surprises for
Devon Murphy. Her life consists of keeping tabs on her aging Irish father,
working part time at a coffee shop, and building her online graphics design
business. Devon’s only tricky situation is a shallow relationship with the
pampered and affluent Michael Turner, who sees her as just another woman to
Following his father’s
death, Brandon’s only goal is to expand the family business and live life on
his own terms. That is, until he walks into the coffee shop one snowy evening
and meets the enchanting, red-haired barista behind the counter. But can Devon
and Brandon’s attraction for each other be strong enough to help erase their
deepest disappointments and renew their faith in God?
Once they got to the park, Devon unhooked Bubby’s
leash. The dog ran in the snow and
stopping abruptly he turned, tongue out and ears perked. Brandon reached down, patted snow into a ball
and threw it far beyond Bubby, who took off after it. After a few more throws, they left the dog to
himself and walked along the brick path to a bench. Brandon brushed the snow off with his gloved
hand and they sat down. Bubby played
some more, then lay with his head up and ears alert.
“I’m curious,” Brandon said, leaning forward with
his elbows on his knees. “I may be out
of line to ask you, but what kind of relationship do you have with this Michael
guy?” He looked sideways to see her
worrying her bottom lip and hoped he was going to get a truthful statement.
“It’s pretty shallow, really. We’ve never discussed being an exclusive
couple. He travels a lot with his company and I figure he probably goes out
with other women, and not just for business if you know what I mean. Once he practically admitted to it.”
“What kind of job does he have?”
Devon, who’d been watching the dog, turned to look
at him. “He’s the Executive Vice
President for Turner Construction. His
father owns the company.”
Brandon drew himself back. “Turner Construction! That’s the largest construction company in
the Midwest.”
“So, you’ve heard of it?”
“Yes, my dad had some experience with them.”
“So was it a good experience?”
Brandon shrugged.
“I really couldn’t say.” Then,
hoping to refocus her attention, he asked,
“How’d you ever meet him anyway?”
“He hit my car in a parking lot. Not very romantic.”
Brandon looked over at her neutral expression. Whatever kind of relationship she had with
Michael Turner didn’t seem to be making her happy. At that moment, all he wanted to do was to
make her forget all about the jerk.
As if sensing him watching her, Devon turned her
head enough to make eye contact with him.
The faint, milky glow from the streetlight showed enough of her features
for him to see a soft blush warm her cheeks.
Under her dark lashes, he watched her sea green eyes glint invitingly as
her soft lips turned up at the corners.
In that moment, his resolve to keep the date on a friendly level came
crashing down.
On Writing Devon’s
The beginning of the book
came to me while I was walking my black Labrador, Riley. It was winter and
while Riley was nosing through the snowdrifts, I began to think about the small
suburb in Columbus, Ohio where I grew up. My old house, the streets where I
rode my bike, and walked home from school evolved into the backdrop for Devon
and Brandon’s love story.
Here's Riley's tale (as much as we know anyway):

My husband and I rescued Riley about 5 years ago (she was estimated to be about 2 years old). She'd been found tied to a dumpster in the winter (we live in Ohio so it was very cold) and taken to a shelter. A couple days before she was to be "put down", a rescue group came and took several dogs out of the shelter. I saw her beautiful picture on and we went to meet her at the boarding facility. For me - and I think Riley too - it was love at first lick!
Author Bio:
I currently live in Ohio with my husband and our two rescue
Labradors. Some of my favorite things include reading, shopping, pepperoni
pizza, Hershey bars and hanging out with my two grown sons. I also love dogs so
going to the dog park is cheap entertainment for my husband and I!
Growing up an only child, I had many imaginary friends. I
believe this - and a love of books - fueled my desire to write. It was many
years later that my dream of becoming a published author came true.
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