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Friday, February 23, 2018

Final Day to Enter the Giveaway!

Time is nearly up for entering my $20.00 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway! 

Author interviews, reviews, and more as you visit the blog tour stops
and enter the giveaway.

Thank you Laura Hernandez for your 5-Star Review of The Amber Elixir!

For more stops on the blog tour and opportunities to enter the giveaway,
please see my previous post, and/or click the link above for the YA/NA Book Divas.

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Amber Elixir Blog Tour!

Welcome to The Amber Elixir Blog Tour!
Please visit the blogs listed below to enter the 
$20 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway Drawing.
February 19th
tfaulcbookreviews  Interview
Smada’s Book Smack Top 10 List
So Few Books  Interview
February 20th
Silence Is Read >> Excerpt
Jazzy Book Reviews >> Review
Girls With Books >> Excerpt
February 21st
A Night’s Dream of Books >> Excerpt
The Cover Contessa >> Guest post
Loves Great Reads >> Excerpt
February 22nd
SERIESous Book Reviews >> Review
Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile >> Top 10 List
Magi Romance >> Review
February 23rd
Mes Livres >> Review
YA/NA Book Divas >> Review
Character Madness and Musings >> Guest post

Enter the Drawing for the $20.00 Amazon Gift Card here:

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Gods and Tech Support is back!

Thanks to friendly deities and some fast, magical footwork/tech support from 
Mark, my web master, and Ryan at GoDaddy,
my website is back up and running. 

My gratitude to all!

Bright blessings!

~Ariella Moon 

Pantheacon Overwhelms Author Website

Either I've angered the gods, or someone pushed the wrong button, or my fabulous fans at Pantheacon overwhelmed my website,

Please bear with me as I search the ethers for my webmaster, 
so he can correct the situation.

Meanwhile, you can read about Ariella Moon books at

Thank you for your patience!
