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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Witchcraft to Wordcraft: Saturday's Writers Forum

 Happy Witchy Wednesday!

I look forward to seeing many Coachella Valley authors this Saturday, October 5, 2024, when Eduardo Santiago will interview Jayce Carter and Ariella Moon.

To learn more or to register for this free event: CLICK HERE

In the meantime, don't forget to download your FREE Kindle ebook, Spell Check, Book 1, The Teen Wytche Saga. Offer ends October 5, 2024.

Happy writing!

Ariella Moon

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Halloween I Became Radioactive

I still remember the year when Halloween loomed like a ticking clock. The heads of nuclear medicine at two hospitals had tried to convince me swallowing radioactive iodine was my only medical option.

Did I mention I am deathly allergic to iodine?   

I purchased bags of candy in advance of becoming radioactive. We assured our neighbors I would be quarantined in the back bedroom and bathroom, far from the Kit Kats and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

On Halloween morning, I trailed a grim-faced head of nuclear medicine down a nearly empty hospital corridor, shuffling as though bound for the gallows. We entered a small restricted chamber. After consulting my file, which I noticed had ATTORNEY stamped in red block letters across every page, the doctor used three-foot tongs to extract a radioactive vial from a lead-lined canister.

"Swallow this."

"You first."

He was not amused.

That night, my husband (the aforementioned attorney) placed a heaping candy bowl on the front porch, then took our daughter trick-or-treating. I had a vision of a giant nuclear symbol on our front door. Others must have sensed the invisible symbol, too, because even the after-hours marauding teenagers bypassed our house.

Years later, Halloween became the ticking clock in SPELL CHECK, Book 1, The Teen Wytche Saga.

The Kindle Edition of SPELL CHECK is free October 1- 5, 2024. All four TWS novels are available in Kindle Unlimited and in paperback.

Happy reading, and happy Halloween!

~Ariella Moon

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 "Mauled Men, Drowned Dames and Crispy Critters;
 a Body Disposal Primer for Writers"

Presented by Jeanne Adams for the Palm Springs Writers Guild

Thursday, September 12. 1:00 - 3:00 Pacific Standard Time


You’re writing your fabulous novel and, as you go on, you realize you absolutely HAVE to kill someone to make the plot work. In order to bring that hero/heroine together, or tear them apart, and tangle everyone up over wills, funerals, murder, mysterious death or serious mayhem, someone’s got to die.

Once you’ve silenced that nagging dead guy, then what? You have to do SOMETHING with the body, but what? Whether or not you want the forensics, murder, death or dis-appearance to be central to your story, there is that annoying dead guy to dispose of. Discover the pernicious particulars of body disposal and how to trip up your characters, throw them together or drive them apart with the particulars of the business of death.


To learn more or register, CLICK HERE

About Jeanne Adams

Jeanne Adams writes award-winning romantic suspense, paranormal and urban fantasies, as well as space adventure that’s been compared to the works of Robert Heinlein and Jack McDevitt. She’s a sought-after speaker, teaching classes on body disposal for writers, worldbuilding and collaboration, plotting for pantzers and how to write a fight scene that works!

Jeanne lives in Washington, DC with her husband and two growing sons, as well as three dogs – two Labs and an Irish Water Spaniel. Don’t tell, but she’s prone to adopting more dogs when her husband isn’t looking.

You can find her books on all major platforms, and connect with her on the web at:

I am SO looking forward to this online writing lab! Hope to see you there!

To learn more or register, CLICK HERE

Happy writing!

Ariella Moon

Thursday, August 8, 2024

I Loved Simply the Best by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Need a mental health break? Head to the library or your favorite bookstore!

Simply the Best: A Chicago Stars Novel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips is a fun read with a colorful cast of eccentric characters, delightful dialogue, and a murder mystery with well-crafted red herrings.


Rory Garrett is a broke chocolatier, and a rootless failure when compared to her overachieving football star half-brother. Despite their sibling rivalry, Rory still tries to protect Clint by setting a trap to expose his avaricious girlfriend, Rory’s neighbor, Ashley.


Brett River, Clint’s highly successful, hyper-focused sports agent, is wary about Ashley and warns Clint she is after his money. When Ashley breaks up with Clint, the heartbroken football player blames his agent. Brett, for whom failure isn’t an option, is afraid he will lose his high-value client, especially after Brett realizes the mystery woman he hooked up with is Clint’s sister.


On the surface, Simply the Best is an entertaining opposites-attract romance and whodunit murder mystery. But wait for it… Susan Elizabeth Phillips has a jaw-dropping surprise waiting below the surface. Once you get it, you will happily realize she did warn you. Well played, Ms. Phillips!


My Writing Progress

The third book in my Two Realms Trilogy is currently with my editor.

What to write next? I am torn between writing a spin-off novella for the Two Realms, a short story for The Teen Wytche Saga, or something new! Brain overload... I may need to head back to the library to clear my head.

Happy reading!

~Ariella Moon

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Book Review: Another Great Novel From A.J. Finn!


By A.J. Finn


I loved A.J. Finn’s debut novel THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW. Now I am ecstatic over his second novel, END OF STORY.


Finn is the master of mysterious protagonists, plot twists, and surprise endings. In END OF STORY, terminally ill crime novelist Sebastian Trapp invites his longtime correspondent Nicky Hunter to visit him and write his life story. Nicky hopes the reclusive author will reveal the truth about the night, twenty years ago, when Trapp’s first wife and son mysteriously vanished.


Finn seamlessly shifts between multiple points of views: Nicky’s, Sebastian’s, Sebastian’s daughter, and his second wife’s. San Francisco and Sebastian’s eerie manor house provide palpable backdrops to the past and present mysteries. END OF STORY kept me guessing until the end, although I did figure out a major plot twist just before it was revealed. END OF STORY is a page-turning cat-and-mouse mystery that will leave you in awe of Finn’s writing.


The third novel in my Two Realms trilogy is in the capable hands of my fabulous editor, Barbara Millman Cole. Yay! 

Haven't read the first two novels or the Two Realms companion novella? 



THE VIKING MIST can be read for free with Kindle Unlimited, or purchased in ebook or paperback. 

Happy Reading!

Ariella Moon

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

2 Events That Will Help You Market Your Books!


Upcoming Events!

Image by Survivalist Castle on Pixabay

 Author Panel on Book Marketing

June Writers Forum
June 1, 2024, 11:00 AM - Noon (Pacific Standard Time)
Mizell Center, 480 S. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs, CA 
Presented by the Palm Springs Writers Guild

What works, and what doesn't work?

Please Join authors Ariella Moon and Joanne Hardy for a panel discussion on Book Marketing moderated by Kristina Hoffman. 

Image by Geralt on Pixabay

Social Media For Writers

An online Zoom class presented by Ariella Moon
and the Palm Springs Writers Guild.

June 7, 2024, 1:00 M - 3:00 PM on Zoom

  • Do you need to be on all social media platforms?
  • Which social media platform do your readers likely use?
  • How do you balance creating content for social media with writing your book?
  • What is the “must have” platform for every writer?

 In “Social Media for Writers,” Ariella Moon will answer these burning questions, plus give writers tips on blogging, using Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, and explain how to use social media to connect with readers.

Learn more or register

Friday, May 3, 2024

An ebook $0 .99 Sale and More!

Two Realms Book Bargain 

               Amazon Kindle $0.99 Sale   Read For Free With Kindle Unlimited

Praise for The Beltane Escape

“Ms. Moon creates a magical world and a complex cast of characters that leap right off the page!” ~InD’tale Magazine, Crowned Heart for Excellence review.


“I want the second one, I want more of everything. More Fenella, more Wizards, more Fae, more half-Viking hotties…just more of everything! If this novel has any foreshadowing of how the rest of the series is going to be, I can’t wait!” ~Jessica, Taking It One Book at a Time


Writing News 

The sequel to The Beltane Escape and The Viking Mist is EPIC! The manuscript will go to my editor this weekend. In honor of this milestone, and to celebrate the Celtic festival, Beltane, I have created a kindle $.99 sale for The Beltane Escapegood through May 7, 2024 

The Beltane Escape, The Viking Mistand The Amber Elixira Lady of the Lake novella, are also available in paperback, and Kindle Unlimited.

Cat Consultants 

Thank you to all who heeded my call for Cat Consultants! 


Muirgen, the fairy cat in The Viking Mist, returns to play a vital and sometimes humorous role in the upcoming third book in the Two Realms Trilogy. (Stay tuned for the title and cover reveals!)


When I first conceived Muirgen’s character, the only facts I knew about cats were:


1.     I am allergic to them.

2.     They will bypass a room full of cat lovers to rub against me.


Recently, I happily welcomed a new cat consultant team, Suze and Beanz.


Beanz was originally shown at the Frisky Business Palm Springs Cat Café, a coffee shop that features shelter cats to help them get adopted. But among so many cats, shy Beanz returned to the shelter, where he remained for about six weeks until he met Suze. Beanz wouldn’t leave his hiding spot for the shelter volunteer, but when Suze stuck her hand in, Beanz head butted her hand, then placed his paw on it. Suze and Beanz are now enjoying their Happily Ever After and send me article links about cat whiskers.



Photo of Beanz by Suze.

Happy reading!


Kindle countdown ends May 7, 2024!