Bestselling author Kay Springsteen fuels the holiday spirit with her new release, Teach Me Under the Mistletoe.
TAGLINE: He was only supposed to teach her how to
According to Caroline
"Kitty" Tyndall's friends, a young lady who's gone two seasons in
London with nary a nibble from a prospective suitor is well on the way to
spinsterhood. But what's a girl to do when she's never been kissed, and the
worldly man she wants regards her as a child?
Hugh McCollum spends his days as a
stable hand staying out of trouble and saving for his planned emigration to
America. When Lady Caroline asks him to teach her how to kiss so the man she's
set her cap for will find her more sophisticated, he knows he should run in the
other direction. But when a pretty young woman falls into his arms and begs for
his help, what's a red-blooded man to do but oblige?
If learning to kiss leads Kitty to
love, will the man of her dreams be the man of her heart?
“I’m not convinced merely learning how to kiss will
achieve yer goal.” Hugh stepped closer. “I mean, have ye considered how ye’ll
get his attention so he does kiss ye?”
She tilted her head as she turned to regard him. An impish
smile widened her lips. “I plan to catch him under the kissing bough at the
winter ball in two weeks. And I want to give him a kiss he’ll remember.”
Hugh spread his hands, confused as to what exactly she was
asking of him. “I’m certain any man would remember sharing a kiss with you
under the mistletoe.” He definitely would were they to meet under such
circumstances. He couldn’t get that momentary brush of their lips the previous
day out of his mind.
“Many women will attend my parents’ ball.” She frowned.
“And he prefers female companionship from ladies who are… well closer to his
“Closer to his age?” Hugh stared, striving to form a
picture of the man. “How old is he?”
“Lady Penelope thinks he’s not yet had his thirtieth
birthday.” A knowing smile curved Lady Caroline’s pink lips. “He’s very
dashing, and he’s traveled all over the world. I heard he’s been to America.”
The squeezing in Hugh’s middle returned. “Are there no
young men of yer own age?”
An impatient sigh left her lips. “Have you not heard a
word I’ve told you? They’re boys. Very immature. I want — I want a man.”
Hugh stared across the reflecting pond. He should decline,
return to the stable. Just let his feet carry him back along the path. What did
he know of the type of man she sought? Did she not realize he was about as far
removed from being a gentleman of the peerage as a wallowing pig was from a
Amazon: Under-Mistletoe-Kay- Springsteen-ebook/dp/ B00H3YAXT4/ref=la_B004RZUWLG_ 1_12?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid= 1386701331&sr=1-12
Barnes & Noble
Facebook: KaySpringsteen
About the Author
Kay Springsteen loves all things Christmas, especially the traditions of her mother’s homeland, England. But nothing strikes a cord as much as the air of romance and celebration that surrounds the holiday. Kay lives in Virginia, near the Blue Ridge Mountains, which offer a wonderful sense of peace and relaxation. She is passionate about dog and cat rescue, and can often be found wandering one of the local mountain trails up with a camera and one of her rescued dogs.

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